Michigan Council of Women in Technology Foundation

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To make Michigan the No. 1 state for girls and women in technology, we must make an early impact. That’s why we’re expanding our reach, making technology education accessible, and positively impacting women from grade school to post-career life stages.

How we do it:

Results-oriented programs that inspire and grow women in technology in Michigan, ultimately driving diversity and innovation in Michigan’s economy.

Targeted, hands-on events and programs tailored to get K-University girls and young women interested in technology.

Convening a network of stakeholders—teachers, parents, students, businesses, professionals and retirees—committed to seeing our tech community thrive.

Ways to get involved

We help students learn about and experience careers in technology, gain real-world skills, get scholarships to pursue a technical career, and create visibility within the industry. A portion of our membership dues and donations from corporate partners help us continue the momentum. 

Support us in our mission. Volunteer, become a member, or partner with MCWT. 

Our partners

We work with organizations that want to see change

Have questions about our programs?

Fill out the form and we’ll be in touch very soon.